Update: LYDIA Urban Academy Chicago

Chicago, IL - After months of planning and consideration of how best to position LYDIA Home Association for the next century of care, the Board of Directors has made the strategic decision to close LYDIA Urban Academy (LUA) in Chicago, effective December 31, 2016.

Since opening its doors in 2002, the school has graduated more than 50 students who had encountered academic adversity elsewhere.

A school like LUA is rare. It is a highly professional, accredited school that serves the most vulnerable students.

The decision to close the school was made in light of increasing funding challenges and a desire to position LYDIA Home Association to best focus on programs most closely aligned with its mission to strengthen families to care for children and to care for children when families cannot.

LYDIA Home Association’s Executive Director, Dr. Dave Anderson, said, “The staff of LUA has done an amazing job of creating an educational environment that nurtures students, helps them grow spiritually, and promotes their educational success. These teachers and staff have sacrificially given their time and energy to build into struggling students. Please join me in affirming and supporting what they have accomplished and the positive impact they have had on so many young lives.”

LUA Chicago will remain open through December to allow most of the current students to graduate.

If you are interested in supporting the students and helping LUA Chicago finish strong, please visit LydiaHome.org/Give for information on how to give financially.

Emily Peilan

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